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Chub gay men sex

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Other than that, they're pretty much like other gay guys. We kept the love and just ditched the bad sex.ĭ.O.: Chasers are guys who like fat men. He said, 'Dan, being married to you, I feel like a woman married to a gay man.' I thought he was beautiful, like those guys in the gay magazines, but he knew he'd never have the sexual relationship with me that he wanted. Actually, he started the break-up process because he said that he didn't feel like I was attracted to him, not the way any other gay guy would be. I didn't dump my ex because he wasn't fat enough. For me it took several long-term relationships that didn't work out to show me just how important that physical aspect was. Remember too that a lot of guys who can't handle their attraction to fat guys often can't even handle being gay.

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Many other guys fight against it or think of fucking a fat guy as a guilty pleasure or, worse, a dirty secret. D.O.: I didn't so much fight against it as remain ignorant of it, how deep it ran.

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